Morning Elliot fans, a little update for you all. Mum and bub are both doing really well, just exhausted. Unfortunately Em's had a bad reaction to the epidural which means she gets splitting headaches when she sits up, which means it's really difficult to feed him and do much of anything really. But she's being amazing, so amazing in fact that I'd like to start a petition to have Emma made Empress of All Women.
Elliot is the most beautiful boy in the world, and he's really chilled out and peaceful and hardly cries at all. These are words I look forward to eating one day in the not too near future.
Thanks for all the cards and pressies already, and all of the support by text, blog, phone and carrier pidgeon and the medium of cake. We couldn't have got through it all without you guys gee-ing us on.
With luck we'll be home this afternoon or tomorrow, but until Em's headaches get sorted out we're going to keep visitors to a steady trickle because she needs all her energy for beautiful little man.
We'll keep you all posted,
Papa Schneish
nice photos
He's absolutely beautiful. Congratulations!
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