I can't believe my baby is almost one year old. He has become a proper little lad already. In the last week there have been a few 'firsts' that make me a little proud and a little sad that it's all going so fast.
Baby's First Steak & Chips
Baby's First Bar Brawl
A nice day out at the park turned sour when some kid looked at Elliot funny ...Not really, he had a run in with a wall while trying to stand. You should see the wall.
Baby's First Plank

All the kids are doing it. Check it out. This one was inspired by Auntie Sophie's deft planking skills. Hey, at least he's not looting.
Baby's First Plank

All the kids are doing it. Check it out. This one was inspired by Auntie Sophie's deft planking skills. Hey, at least he's not looting.
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